Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Yesterday my Joci FINALLY returned home after a long trip to Grandma Mock's. (Enders - the Paris of Nebraska.) She was gone for a week and a half which was about 9 days too long. It sounds like she really had a good time as she partook in fishing and boating at scenic Enders lake, making herself at home at Grandma's church ("she walked into Sunday School like she owned the place" to hear Grandma tell it), and various other activities. Only two weeks before leaving she finished summer school and she starts Kindergarten August 19th, not to mention that we have yet to get 75% of the supplies on her school list. If this is her first year of school, I don't know how I'm going to manage when high school rolls around.

Jericho has finally been weened off the pacifier, no thanks to me. That was Joel entirely. I would love to take credit, but most days I still wish I had it. For me. Jericho doesn't really need it. He is talking A LOT though. He says kitty, sissy (to Joci), dad, mom, hi, bye, down, thank you, night, and all kids of other things. My favorite is blue - he's really into Blue's Clues right now - even though it sound like "boo". We've discovered that he'll repeat almost anything that's easy enough and it's exciting that he's starting to retain some of the words. We've also decided that, as Joel put it, he's going to be a power lifter. He's constantly picking things up and carrying them around. This weekend it was two bottles of laundry detergent, one in each hand, that he carried around the living room. One thing's for sure, he's always good for a laugh.

Joel has been traveling a lot and I have discovered the wonders of being able to keep the house clean(er). It was pretty easy when both Joel and Joci were gone. Weird how taking 1/2 the family out of the picture takes away 1/2 the mess...

The kids both got haircuts before Joci went to her Grandma's. Jericho finally looks like he's not in an early 90s grudge band and Jocelyn's finally not sitting on hers. Pictures to come.

Hope everyone is doing well out there in cyber-world.
The Blecha's