Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Holy crap I suck at this.

Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I suck at this "posting" thing. I'll be the first to admit that. So what have the Blecha's been up to? Well...

Joel got a promotion with FedEx (that's Ground, not Express - Yes there's a difference and it's a big deal. If you're going to be connected to this family, you'd better know your FedEx's). He is now (I really hope I get this right) the Plains Region Admin Quality Manager or AQM. That's right, ladies. Eat your hearts out. My husband is a regional staff member. Jealous? I don't blame you. You should be. :) So the perk to this little promo of his is that, aside from just being a kick ass job, he got to quit his other job which he was working nights and weekends. He has to travel across their region territory, but that only includes Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri so he's never too far away, plus he's always home on the weekends. That leaves him plenty time to spend with the fam... and to take me shopping.

Jocelyn has been attending summer school for about a month now and it will be over soon. She is starting Kindergarten in the fall and summer school has helped to prepare her so that she will not be intimidated by the time the first day rolls around. Now MY hesitation about the first day of school has yet to be tamed. I must say that I'm impressed so far, though. Jocelyn's been spelling random words in the car and at the dinner table and pretty much just telling me what's up. You know how when you were a kid you always thought you were so much smarter than your parents? It's probably because you were. She has also lost her first 2 teeth and will have a nice crooked smile be the time her first school pictures roll around. But toothless or not, I must say (don't mind if I'm a little partial) she is an absolute beauty. Joel will definitely have his hands full in about 10 years.

Jericho, meanwhile, is the Master of Disaster around here. You name it, he's either broke it, ran face-first into it or tried to swallow it whole. He's a boy through and through. I've come to terms with the fact that we may not see his 2nd birthday without a trip to the ER. And yes, he's still moose-like in stature. He has thinned out little by little since he's become mobile, but he still has that Buddha belly and those jelly doughnut cheeks, not to mention the rolls on his legs. I love every fat grabable inch of him. I remember seeing this commercial once that said "Who ever thought that the love of your life would be short, fat and bald?" I always think of that commercial when I look at Jericho. Also, I would be amiss if I didn't mention that something we've been anxiously waiting for has finally happened - He's finally beginning to talk. Kind of. If you speak Jericho. Oh, well. It will come. Hopefully.

The pets are all good. Pepper is fat, Powder is hairy, Percy is naughty and Roxy is still a piss-hound. No news on that front.

Me? Not too much here. Just trying to outsmart Joci, keep Jericho from swallowing one of the cats, make sure I can remember which state Joel is in, hold down a full time job, keep Roxy from peeing on everything and try to make it look easy. I am thinking about speaking to Congress to see if we can lengthen the day to 87 hours from the standard 24, so I guess that's exciting.

I did just start a new job that it working out a lot better for our family. I'm working a lot closer to home and am off at 4, so it's not Jericho's bed time by the time we get home at night. Damn, I need to change that side bar. It's really out-dated... Sorry, I drifted for a minute. My diet, p.s., has gone just right down the crapper. I lost 7 pounds and have gained 3 of them back. So I guess I'm still down 4, but that's a lot of work and sacrifice for 4 measly pounds. Not only did I fall of the wagon, I hit every wheel spoke on the way down and was then run over by both of the rear wheels. Yeah, it's easy to start something. It's that whole "following through" aspect that I suck at. I am going to try again, though. We'll see how that all ends up.

Anyway, I guess that's us. I am going to try to do better at this and in return, YOU are going to start leaving comments again. That was not a request.

Much love,
Mrs. JB


Anonymous said...

kindergarten! WOW! the hard part is leaving them at the door. when you started kindergarten I stayed at the window so afraid to leave you by yourself. Jericho is finally talking. thats great. your aunt was a "go at your own pace" child. she didnt walk or talk until she was well past one and she's the smartest of the family. (school Psychologist) Jericho probably figured he'd let Jocelyn do everything for him. :) Mom

Mindy said...

Glad to hear you haven't fallen off the edge of the world - I was starting to wonder!!! Tell Joel congrats on the promo!!

Brooke said...

It's about time you updated. Geesh! As for your trivia, is that in real life or on the show?

Dave Ja Vu said...

Congrats on the promo, Joel! Glad to see an update. I was beginning to think you guys moved to outer Mongolia or somethin'...not that I've been any better about posting either.

I see you're still as bugged as I am when people drop by and don't even leave a comment. I've started taking it personal. People are such ingrates.