Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chatty Cathy

Well, it's finally happened. At nearly 16 months, Jericho is finally learning to use his squawk box. The boy was walking solo by 10 months, but the who concept of talking just seemed to elude him. Until now.

Mama and dada were the only two words in his vocab for months, but now he's seemed to pick up a few more... and soon he'll be off to college. (Sorry, Joci's starting Kindergarten soon so I'm a little emotional about my babies growing up.)

Here are a list of my little man's words:
"Mama" - which actually sounds like "mommom"
"Dada" - which is what he says whenever I say "Say mama".
"Uh-Oh" - which is not only a word now, but a fun game that he likes to play.
"Whoa" - which is what he says when something surprises him; this one is rare, he doesn't use it a lot.
"Ball" - which actually sounds like "baw", but he seems to know what it is, so that helps.

Well, that's it. Jericho's growing up and I'm just getting older. But seriously, we are excited that he's talking now. He's really growing up into a little man. We are so proud of little Moose!