Sunday, February 24, 2008

New family addition!!!

Not for us (sigh...), though I knew that I would have to clarify before I started this story. Anyway, moving along...

Our newest nephew was born Saturday afternoon! Cannon Bradley Williamson was born Saturday afternoon to my brother Marc and his fiance Shannon. My parents were actually here over the weekend, so they had to wait until today (Sunday) to see the little man. Joel and I had a trip already planned home to see baby Cannon in two weeks (as he was not due to make his grand arrival until March 3rd!), so we'll just have to stay patient until then (and by "we" I mean "I").

With this new little bundle of joy arriving, I've also had an epiphany. My parents naming us Marc, Dustin and Jennifer has doomed us as the three of us, having really common names, seem to be acting out while naming our own children. Between the three of us we have: Jericho, Jocelyn, Oden, Samarah and now Cannon. I can safely say that I don't personally know another kid with any of those names. How's that for originality?


Anonymous said...

I personally don't know any kids with any of those names either...just for the rec...and I like all of them. Just not brave enough to get THAT creative.