Saturday, February 16, 2008

Blecha family happenings

Wow, I think that this is the longest that I've gone without updating.

It's been a busy couple of weeks for us Blechas, and we're just trying to keep our heads above water until we get used to our new routines.

I started my new job on the 4th, and it's going well but the schedule is a little different than I'm used to, so I'm not yet accustomed to being dead a** tired all the time. I'm sure that soon I won't mind the sleep deprivation, but for now I'm really dragging. My new job requires me to get up at 5:30. For any of you who aren't up at 5:30, let me assure you that you aren't missing much - it is, after all, still dark out. The up side to it, though, is that this is also what time my handsome husband gets up, so I do get to see him for a bit in the morning before he heads off.

Jocelyn is doing well - growing like a weed. She is just a spitting image of me, tall and slender (ok, me before I had two kids). For anyone who bought her Christmas presents this year, you already know that she already has to have long length jeans. I just can't get over how big she is already. She's getting very excited about starting school in the fall and I'm sure that she'll do well, she's a smart girl and just loves to make new friends.

Jericho is just walking everywhere. He gets pretty gutsy sometimes and tries to run, but usually that ends up with his face embedded in the carpet. He's totally off of the bottle and baby food now, which is how I know for sure that he's not a baby anymore. We're not talking yet, but I'm sure that he will start any day now and probably never stop.

And on a final note, Jericho and Jocelyn are getting pretty excited to see Joel's folks in a couple of weeks when they come to stay with the kids while Joel and I are IN LAS VEGAS!!! WOOO HOOO! Joel and I never took a honeymoon, so this is really the first vacation that we will take together, sans the tots. I am so excited that I can hardly wait! I'm excited to take a vacation, as things have been super busy lately, but I'm honestly just pumped to be somewhere warm.

So that's it for us right now. I'll try to keep the blog update more. Take care, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Vegas? Are you serious? I'm soooooo jealous.

Anonymous said...

a honeymoon for 2!! you're going to have such a great time and its not hot in february and march. love to meet you there! its only a 4 hour drive from where I live. mom