Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's like the biggest thing EVER

Possible black or female prez this year? Fidel Castro resigning? Angelina expecting again? All newsworthy but nothing compared to this.

Little back story for ya:
For some reason, I have boarded the Oprah bandwagon (hey, millions of people can't be wrong). And for some other reason, I've been taking a lot of what she says to heart (again - millions).

So long story short - Oprah's newest addition to her show is a segment that she calls "Prescription America" where she and Dr. Oz give viewers an "assignment" of sorts to help them health-wise. So blabbity, blabbity, blabbity, yada, yada I'm going to stop drinking soda for two weeks, starting tomorrow.

Let me clarify a few things for those of you that aren't aware of how huge of an undertaking this is. I used to smoke. Ok, I still smoke on occasion - guilty - but I used to smoke a pack a day. I'm not a big drinker, never was into drugs at all. Just recently I gave up fast food all together. I gamble very little. I have no vice. My soda is my vice. And on top of all of that, I like my soda leaded. Diesel fuel. No diet drinks for me. Pepsi is my cola of choice. I love it from a can, I like it from a bottle, I adore it from the fountain. I drank 4 today just because I knew that I would miss it so terribly much tomorrow.

I've tried giving up soda before, and I kid you not I felt like absolute crap for days - terrible caffeine withdrawal headaches. But according to Oprah and Dr. Oz, quitting drinking soda can help a person lose up to 15 lbs in one year. Plus I know that I drink way too much of the stuff, so giving it a try can't hurt. Maybe I can at least cut down on my cola intake, or maybe even switch to diet (yeah, that'll happen).

Alright, kids, I'm off. Wish me luck. I make no promises, but we'll see how things go.


Anonymous said...

This is so weird. I recenlty did the same thing. Do you remember how many sodas I used to drink a day? Well, it was about 5 or more. So, one day when I got a cold I still went out and got a fountain Diet Dew. After braving the cold temps with a fever and cough, I got home with my Dew, snuggled up in the recliner to drink it, and something about having a cold and the taste of the Dew didn't work. So, I decided right there that it was the perfect time to quit. I'm happy to announce that since January 25th I've only had about seven sodas. Can I make a suggestion though so you don't get horrible caffeine headaches? Coffee, iced tea or hot tea. I would have died!

Let us know how this is going! And sorry, but this was way more important than Brangelina's newest far...