Sunday, February 3, 2008

Blecha Family News

No, we're not pregnant. Just had to get that out in the open to start off.

This news is going to pale in comparison - I have a new job that I will be starting tomorrow with Focus, a local staffing company. I am very excited and also very nervous about this new endeavor. I had actually turned down a position with this company when I took my job at the ad agency, and am greatful that I am getting another shot with their company.

I don't know what it looks like where each of your are from, but we have had massive lay-offs here almost every week. Sprint laid off 1,100 people two weeks ago, Tyson Foods laid off 1,500 last week and H&R Block just laid off 500 this week - and that's just here in our neck of the woods at their local offices. I know that the economy is terrible everywhere and it just shocks me that it keeps getting worse. I feel very blessed to have a job when I know that millions of people don't right now. For all of you that have job stability right now, let's not forget those that don't. Let's always remember to give to those that are less fortunate and do for those that cannot do for themselves.

So those are my words of wisdom for the day. Wish me luck as I start this new job! I'll keep you all posted.


Anonymous said...

You know you're in trouble when you have to caveat every post about breaking news with "no, we're not pregnant"...been there, doing that pretty much all the time right now.

Curses to all the people who think all we parents do is breed! Which we do...when there's time...and no toys and books on the bed...and you-know who goes to bed on time...and no one's sick...but whatev...