Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Moose turns 1. Sugar rush ensues.

Ok, so technically Moose turned 1 on the 22nd, but he was sick and it was a Tuesday (which is like the least fun day of the week), plus Cooca and Jer-Bear were here over the weekend, so we celebrated on Saturday.

Though I did not take any pictures of myself from the weekend, I would like to think that I look quite different than I did in the pictures below from before I gave birth. Jericho, on the other hand, obviously looks quite different. Here are some pictures of his first birthday (which, by the way, he was barely awake late enough to enjoy).

Hey, I never claimed to be Betty Crocker, but it was edible and he could play with the truck afterwards, so it worked for me.

Jocelyn, waiting for the party. Asking me for the 500th time when we were going to have cake. And posing. Shocker.

Jericho, wasting time before the party. Pulling every single DVD off the rack... like he does.

I know that everyone thinks that their kid is the cutest kid in the whole world. And I'm sure that all of your kids are adorable, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they're no Jericho Blecha.

Finally - present time.

"Uh, yeah... I'm not sure if anyone has noticed that someone seems to have left some sort of chocolaty-messiness within my reach, but, uh..."

"I'm just gonna take a little taste..."

(I believe that this is where the sugar was starting to get to him and he was becoming a little, uh, loopy.)

Chocolate Moose.


Anonymous said...

Best. Cake. Ever. I want one.

And Mr. Jericho looks like a blast!

I hear you on the economy thing. It's getting kinda crappy 'round here too.

But, huh, I long as the liquor store's still open...