Monday, October 15, 2007

Keeping up with the Blechas

It's weird how you can not really have very much going on but still seem to be extremely busy.

The kids are growing like weeds. Jericho's practicing new tricks all the time. He now waves "bye-bye"... well, at least when he feels like it. He's giving kisses, too, which I love, but Joel doesn't seem to be so fond of. They're still those open-mouth-slobber-all-over-your-face kisses, so I can see why. I can't believe that my little Moose will be 1 before we know it. It really does feel like just yesterday that we brought him home. He's such a good baby - he eats good and sleeps for up to 12 hours at night. Still no teeth, but he's working on walking which seems like a feat to me at just 8 months.

Jocelyn is always making us laugh and is the best big sister ever. She absolutely adores Jericho and it's just amazing to watch them interact. It's hard to believe that she'll be 5 in a couple of months and will be in school this time next year. Our dog, Roxy, has pretty much become Jocelyn's responsibility and she's great at taking care of her. Right now, she can hardly contain herself as Halloween approaches, and she's constantly asking me how long until her birthday which is still 2 months away. I asked her the other day how old she was going to be on her birthday and she said "I'm 4 and on my birthday I'll be 16." I was going to correct her, but I actually thought that sounded pretty accurate. She's really into Hannah Montana and High School Musical right now, which amazes me because I don't remember being "into" anything at her age.

Joel and I are doing well. I feel that we're finally getting this whole having-two-kids thing down pat. Jocelyn was so self sufficient when Jericho was born that we forgot how much work babies are. But with a little teamwork and determination, we figuring things out. The whole family is headed to Omaha (ok, Gretna) next weekend for our annual outting to the pumpkin farm. Last year, I was like 7 months pregnant when we went, so I'm looking forward to being able to push that weight around in a stoller this year instead of having to carry it in my tummy. I'll post pictures when we get back. I'm so very excited to go this year - Joel and I go, along with Joel's sister and her family and Joel's parents. Last year we had Joci and our nephew Kaleb, and this year we've doubled our kid head-count adding Jericho and Kaleb's little sister Ava. It sounds like 4 will be the maximum number of kids we will ever have to take... unless Joel's brother gets to making some little ones!


Laura said...

How cute! trying to walk at 8 months?!?! kids are amazing! you walked right before your first birthday and your brother (who turned 21 friday) walked at 10 1/2 or 11 months. every child after the first one seems to do things just a bit faster. probably cause they're trying to get away from their siblings LOL :) when Jocelyn answered how old she was, she told the truth......... they are always going on 16 well at least until you are 16. Fall is a fun time! For all of us "fall" children, its a great time! back to school, halloween, birthdays, thanksgiving, birthdays, christmas......... I LOVE FALL!!!

at four years old you were into the whole cabbage patch doll scene. I was one of the good mommies that stood in line at the mall f-o-r-e-v-e-r just to get one. then I got to do it again for your brother when the TMNT came out. ( teenage mutant ninja turtles)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a pumpkin tradition going...I just love this blog site.

Brooke said...

Happy 9-month bday a day late Jericho!!

Wow, they grow so fast! Love the song, hope ya don't mind if I snatch it. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen and Joel and little ones!

We miss you guys!

The Vrbi from GI
Dave, Amy and Jack

Anonymous said...

BTW, you can link to our blog through Brooke's site (The Lutz Loop). That's how I found you!