Sunday, October 7, 2007

And the Oscar goes to...

Yesterday (Saturday) Jocelyn had an audition here in KC for the Disney Channel.
We arrived for our 6 o'clock audition at around 5:15, and since Joel had a prior engagement, I had both Joci and Moose in tow. Both of the kids were really good, especially since it was almost 2 hours later that we finally left.

Jocelyn is very energetic and quite the little performer at home, but she usually plays the shy card around strangers, so I was just sure that this wasn't going to go as planned.

When Jocelyn's name was finally called to audition, she had to walk up to two grown-ups by her self and tell them what her name is, and since she's not old enough to read like most of the other kids, they would say lines and she had to repeat them. Each child's audition was shown on a big screen to the rest of the crowd. She was so calm and so composed - I have never seen this side of her before. I couldn't believe how well it was going.

But God forbid there would be a pause in her audition and that she would have to sit still for 15 seconds.

Between lines, the lady behind the camera stopped to adjust the lens and Jocelyn's little index finger darted right for her nose and right up her little nostral. Again, this is being shown to all of the other kids and their parents as they are waiting. So the entire auditorium erupts into this huge laughter and I just laugh and burry my head in my hands. Jocelyn then finishes her audition and as we're leaving the whole auditorium applauds us.

Needless to say, I'm not sure if Jocelyn's first audition will resault in a call-back, but I'm just positive that if there's a role open for a kid picking his or her nose - we'll be the first they call.

Regardless, I am so very proud of her and how she carried herself. I'll let everyone know if we get a call-back.


Anonymous said...

when do we get to see an updated pic of mom and dad

Anonymous said...

This is soo cute!! I can just see it. Little actress just like her Mommy! Move over Angelina Jolie, make way Jennifer Aniston, Joci is on her way!!