Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Attack of the Poop Monster!

Author's Note: As stated in the title, the following story involves poo. For those of you with week stomaches... you've been warned.

It's Wednesday morning, about 6:45am and Jocelyn comes into my room to make sure that I'm up and to let me know that she's up, as she does every morning. Before she leave my room she turns around and says, "oh, and Jericho peed in his pants." "Ok..." I say to her "that's what babies do, honey, so don't worry, I'll be in soon to change him."

So I lay my clothes out on the bed and go into get the kids dressed. As soon as I enter the room, the smell is so overpowering that I think that I'm going to pass out. As I turn toward Jericho, I can now see that from the back, Jericho's diaper has leaked - not leeked pee, as was stated by my beautiful daughter, but leaked the "other". It's on the sides of his diaper and on his back, but I'm not too concerned at this point - - until he turns around. It's only then that I can see fully the extent of the damage. My little Moose is covered in poo from the chin down. And the best part is that he's not concerned or scared or sad... no, not my son - he smiles and bounces up and down excitedly like it's Christmas morning and Santa just brought him a new bike.

The damage was so extensive that I had no choice but to take off the diaper and run in a dead sprint (not a jogger's pace, this is serious business) for the bathtub, holding Jericho at at least an arm's legth away from me the whole way.

And while it was probably the closest I've come to gagging yet to date in my life as a mommy, I must say that it was histerical. I have never laughed so hard while cleaning poop off of... well, anything.

This was one of those moments when no matter how my makeup was or how my hair looked, the only thing I was good for in his eyes was a good hose down. Nothing like having kids to knock you back down to size, huh?