Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Viva Las Vegas - Part 2 and long overdue

Ok, so when I said I'd post the other pictures "tomorrow" I meant tomorrow in 'like-i-have-time-to-breathe-let-alone-get-on-the-internet-and-do-something-that-doesn't-involve-poopy-diapers' time. I'll try to make that little clearer next time.

Now that we've cleared that up...

Here are the long-awaited and more than likely forgotten about pictures from Madam Tussuad's Wax Museum in Vegas. Ok, it's $26 a person to get in, but I promise you it's worth it. As soon as you enter they encourage you to touch and pose with all of the figures, so it's not as if you have to stay behind some kind of velvet rope and just look from afar. And these figures are EXTREMELY intricately detailed. They are magnificent. I got up close to Brad Pitt (eat your heart out, ladies) and you could see all the little pores in his face and the stubble on his face like he'd just shaved... Angelina Jolie looked SOOO life-like - you could see where she had her tattoo removed on her arm. I kid you not I waited for some of them to blink and it would not have surprised me one bit if they would have.

So here are some of my favorites. Enjoy.

Joel and Don King sharing a stogie.

Jus' chilling' wit da Kennedys.

First man on the moon? Figures. Men take credit for everything.

Yeah, that's Sigfried and Roy's tiger. Yeah, we're sick and twisted.

Mean muggin' with The Rock.

Simon Cowell - He likey the Jen.

"Get that weak s**t outta here!"

A musical duet.

"Oh, Joel, why can't I find a guy like you?"

Oh! Hef! You're so naughty.

Nicholas Cage. Complete with oddly-realistic chest hair.

What the Blechas really think of the President.


Anonymous said...

whoa! I looked thru the pictures before I read the blog and i'm like Oh man! He met Don King! then I saw the tiger picture and thought now thats not too smart. I have never been to the wax museum in vegas. always wanted to go. the wax museum in hollywood is a definite no touch. thats cool that they encourage you to take pictures with them! Glad you had a great trip. and you're right, you're "tomorrow" is different then the rest of our "tomorrows" LOL mom

Mindy said...

YAY!! So glad to see the new pics!!! They really were neat. I have a couple friends that went to the wax museum and said the same, that it was just awesome. Hopefully sometime I can get my butt out of southwest NE and experience something new!!! Loved the pics!

Mindy said...

Oh yeah - and the musical duet had me laughing!!!!