Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tag - I'm it.

Ok, here's the skinny - and no, I didn't make this up:

Here's how you play. Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog of ten weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave them a comment "You're it!" and tell them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag that person back, let her know when you've posted your blog so she can read your answers.
Here goes...

1. I'm afraid of the dark. No. Seriously. Never got over it. Stop laughing.

2. I love scary movies. Quite a contrast to the last one, I know. Maybe that's why I still hate the dark...

3. I'm a news junkie. It's ridiculous. Local news, national news, celebrity news. Joel just bought me a Blackberry so that I can check my email and read the news "on my own time and not around him". Notice the quotation marks.

4. I am severely claustrophobic. Sooooo not kidding. I hate elevators and had to quit detasseling (you have to be from NE to know what that is) because the corn was too tall and I couldn't see over the top. I also hate the feeling of being wrapped too tightly in a blanket because it's too confining.

5. My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz. Most people outgrow it. Not me. I love it - every part of it. And I especially love living so close to Kansas because there is Wizard of Oz memorabilia around every corner.

6. From age 10 until 19 I was a vegetarian. It was not until I was bout 6 months pregnant with Jocelyn that I craved the taste of red meat.

7. The World Trade Center attacks had a profound effect on me. To this day (nearly 7 years later) I can not see footage of that day without bursting into tears. Joel and I recently watched a documentary about it and I bawled the whole time.

8. I have insanely terrible teeth. People are always complimenting me on my smile, but (according to my dentist) I inherited really bad dental problems. I've had 2 root canals, 3 teeth pulled and more cavities than you can shake a stick at. Lucky for me none of them are up front (yet, finger crossed) so I don't look like a total hillbilly.

9. My life's guilty pleasure/desire is to be on a game show. I have this plentiful amount of useless knowledge that I'm just determined to do something with. Did you know that most people think that zebras are white with black stripes when in fact they're brown with white stripes? Did you know that there are 108 double stitches on a baseball (216 if you count each stitch)? Did you know that karaoke is Japanese for empty orchestra? Did you know the average housefly hums in the key of "F"? I did.

10. I hate southern accents. I think that it is literally impossible to sound intelligent when you're accent resembles that of Miss Spears. The sound of a southern accent is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

And 11. I know there's only supposed to be 10, but after I got to thinking, I came up with another one. So...

11. I'm terrified of clowns. You laugh now, but ask around. It's more common than you think. I just got goose bumps typing this.

Oh, and I'm not tagging anyone becuase everyone that I know that has a blog has been tagged. It's so sad that I have no friends.


Anonymous said...

well, I don't have a blog but here goes
1. Terrified of spiders, no matter the size, shape, color.....
2. Love the smell of new puppy breath :)
3. Have to have a certain sponge to do dishes with. not any sponge will do.
4. the more sponges the better. I stockpile them. :)
5. I, too, love The Wizard of OZ & charlie brown christmas and rudolph.
6.I don't eat vegetables unless its corn.
7.I'm allergic to chicken, used to eat it all the time.
8.if I miss the headline news, I won't watch it.
9.I am very much for PETA
10. now I have 2 children afraid of clowns


Mindy said...

I have heard that many people are afraid of clowns. If adults are afraid of them then why would kids like them? I am not scared of them but they give me the creeps - they are weird!!!!

Glad you filled out the "Random Ten" and way to go on your "diet"!!!

Anonymous said...

Clowns ARE creepy. 'Nuff said.

Loved your random ten! Miss you guys!