Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Little "diet" update

Ok, in case anyone gives two ****s about my little "diet" plan, here goes:

Though I don't really believe in weighing yourself religiously (especially women -it's unhealthy), I did hop on the scale once about a week after starting my fast-food-fast, so I knew my "starting weight". And I wasn't planning on weighing myself again for a while, right up until my loving, doting, devoted husband of almost 2 years now (I know, can you believe it??) had mentioned right before we left on our trip that I looked like I had lost some weight. So what the hey - I hopped on again... to find that I was down 7 pounds! And though I did everything EXCEPT eat well on our trip, I only gained back about a pound - and still didn't eat any fast food or drink any soda.
While some of you are saying to yourselves "You're calling that a diet?!", I might note that I myself realize that this is not really a diet of sorts, but I might also point out that instead of starving myself, this has been a lot more productive for me than past diet plans.

First: Cut out fast food with the exception of fresh sandwiches (Subway, Mr. Goodcents, Quiznos, etc. Oh - and no cheese on those sandwiches, which was my own little addition.)

Second: Cut out drinking soda. I miss you dearly, Pepsi, my old pal.

Next: I'm going to try this cutting down (not out, people) on my "whites" thing - less of foods like potatoes (kill me now), more wheat instead of white pasta and bread, less white sugar and flour (goodbye cookies). Again, we're cutting DOWN here. This is something that I know that I can not give up. And frankly, I'm not willing to. I'm no martyr.