Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jericho, Jericho, Jericho...

So we've noticed that Jericho can't seem to let a day go by without doing something absolutely hilarious. He is constantly making us laugh. And not little giggles, either - big, hearty, laugh-til-you-cry laughs.

So here was his latest - it was a doozey. Joel walked past Jericho's room and just bust out laughing, so I had to go and see.

Jericho was sitting in his toy box and obviously couldn't get himself out. The best part, though, was that he was acting like he totally knew what he was doing - like he MEANT to be in there. He just kept on playing with whatever he could reach, like it was just another day... Probably hoping that we'd stop watching so that he could stop acting cool and figure out how the heck to get himself out of there.

Here are some pictures of Mr. Cool in action. I tried to post a video, but it was barely visible - sorry. I forgot to change a setting on my camera while I recorded it. But you get the idea...

"Oh...oh no... Man, not again... how did I manage to -"

"Oh, hey guys. Yeah, I'm just hangin'... in my toy box... nothin' to see here... Seriously - there's nothing to see. Keep walkin'."


mom said...

too cute! looks just like your brother, funny thing is I have a picture of your brother stuck in his toy box

Dave Ja Vu said...

Funny stuff. Admittedly, I hadn't checked any blogs for a long time, so I was quite happy to see you'd updated so much.

Could you send me your new email addy? I have some news that'll knock your socks off...assuming you're wearing socks of course...