Tuesday, January 15, 2008

51 weeks ago today

Jericho's 1st birthday is a week from today. For the last several weeks, I've said to Joel, at least twice a day, "Can you believe that it's almost been a year?" And yes, he can... probably because I keep reminding him how close a year is getting to being here. I, on the other hand, can not believe that it's already been that long. I really feel like we just brought my Moose home from the hospital.

So while I'm reminiscing and getting all choked up about how big my boy is, I'll give you the following pictures to reminisce about how little he was when we got him, and next week you can see how big he is now.

The night before my induction. Fat and happy. And on my way to eat a steak.

See the smile? Thank you epidural.

Welcome to the world, Jericho James!

Jocelyn with her baby and Cooca with hers.

Proud daddy!

Everyone's holding the baby. I'm holding a turkey sandwich. If you've been in labor, you understand. If you haven't, don't judge me.

The moment when it's all worth it.


Brooke said...

Look at you looking all perfect after giving birth.

Anonymous said...

All I gots to say is "aaaawwwww"...

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up! Happy birthday (early 'cuz I'm THAT awesome) Jericho!