Monday, January 21, 2008

Sleepy McFeverson

It's 9:24 and we're just getting home.
For some families, that may not seem like that big of a deal. For us Blechas, it's a huge deal. Usually Jericho is in bed by 6:30, Jocelyn by 8:30, and Joel and I follow close behind.

So why am I up so late tonight? Oh, where to start...
Jericho woke up Saturday with a small cough and was kind of stuffy, but all four of us suffer from allergies, so one or both of our kids having a cough and some congestion is just another day around here and we didn't think too much of it. But Saturday morning turned into Saturday afternoon and along with his cough, he developed a low-grade fever. Saturday afternoon passed, Saturday night came and went, and by Sunday morning Jericho was running a fever of 103, not eating and sleeping non-stop. Nothing seemed to make him feel better and every time his fever would break, it would return again within the hour. It was terrible.
I stayed home with little man today, hoping that a little TLC was all he needed - WRONG. After one long day with Stuffy McIckerson, I finally caved and took him to the Urgent Care this evening. And it was a good thing that I did.
Lucky for me, this urgent care has a pediatrician on staff, not just nurses that are a little too eager to write a prescription for anything that they deem fit (no offense to nurses, but the Prompt Care back home was atrocious, which is where my hard feelings come from). Anyway, moving along...
The pediatrician checked my Moose out pretty good and said it was good that we brought him in, because if he had gone too much longer, he probably would have developed pneumonia. OH MY LORD! I let him be sick for 3 days and he was really, REALLY sick. Nice job, "mommy". So they doped him up on oral steroids and gave him a breathing treatment. Now for the next week or so, we have to give him breathing treatments 3 times a day and an oral steroid 4 times a day. I guess it's a small price to pay for not having to hospitalize him.
Oh, and tomorrow's his birthday, for which we'll be buying him a nebulizer so that we can start his breathing treatments. With parents like us, who needs enemies?


Anonymous said...

I wish there was a website or book that would tell you just when to take a kid to the doc. Cuz whenever I take Jack it's one of two things: I overexaggerated something miniscule or avoided risking embarassment again and it turned out to be quite serious.

Goes to show you just never know.