Friday, September 28, 2007

Here goes nothing...

Ok, so many of you have called and emailed and repeatedly asked for updates on the kids and new pictures of the little ones - and anyone who knows me knows that I'm usually running arond like a chicken with my head cut off - so I thought this would be the best way to keep everyone updated. So, I have designed this blog to be everything that I'm not - organized and up-to-date! (It's like a mommy's best friend!)
So now I just have to get pictures of the kids up and we'll be good to go!
I hope all of you enjoy our blog as it continues to grow!


Unknown said...

Jen, your kids are sooooo cute! I'm sure you hear this everyday, but Joci looks so much like you. My mom and I can totally relate to those comments, comments that we still hear to this day! I take it as a good thing :)

r&jmag said...

Jen, We love the pics. Her hair is NOT near as bad as I imagined, quite cute actually. Dont worry about it!! Cant wait to see you all. Love the blog and we are working on one of our own so you guys can stay updated. Good Idea thanks for sharing. How bout them BUFFS!!!!! HAHAHA

Love ya

Brooke said...

YEAH!!! I'm so excited I get to know what's going on in your life! :) You kids are beautiful! Joce is gorgeous and growing so fast!